Tuesday, August 31, 2010

~~~~~~~Earthly Gods~~~~~~

Part one of two; Based on Psalms eighty-two

They have assembled, the gods of the earth. There are many of them, and how proudly they bare their symbols of power. Although there are many, five in the Assembly strike an interest. A senator, a cop, a queen, a judge, and a pastor.

The senator is a sharply dressed woman. Her hair is dyed, her makeup is done. Her face is hard and cynical, her lips heavy with ready lies.

The police man is heavy set. He is balding, and a thick mustache quivers above his lips. Nobody gets in his way, and if they do, he runs them over. A thick cigar hangs unlit from his lips.

The queen lounges on pillows she complains are too hard. Her dress is made from the finest materials, and precious stones glitter all over. She always is saying she has a horrible crick in her neck do to the tremendous weight of her crown.

The judge is proud, and his lip is in a constant sneer. His head is held high. He is judge to the tribe of Gadites, and he felt there was no man better for the job.

The pastor never stops talking. He talks about forgiveness, and sins, repentance, and salvation. he is charismatic. The others listen to him. He is energetic and young. His face is pleasing and so is his voice. He makes the others feel welcomed and they feel the man is kind.

God presides in the great assembly;
He gives judgment among the

God: How long will you defend the
        and show partiality to the

Senator: Defend the unjust? Partiality to the wicked? I never do such things. As you should well know, since you are God after all, that I am all for equal rights. I am a woman after all.

God: Could you please explain how being a woman makes it so you don't defend the unjust, show partiality to the wicked?

Senator: Well, since I am a woman I know what it feels like to be discriminated against.

God: I still don't see the point.

Senator: Being a man, I wouldn't expect you to.

God: First of all, I am an entity of three separate consciences with neither physical body, or gender. Second, being discriminated against doesn't prevent you from discrimination. Someone who is often hurt by others typically lashes out more because of being hurt, not becoming unable to hurt others.

Senator: Very well put God, but I have to disagree. After all, it was I who wan this year's election for senate, not you. So obviously the people think my way is better than yours.

God: Maybe because you lie to them?

Senator: I do not!

God: you promise them everything and give them nothing.

Senator: I give them exactly what I tell them. It certainly isn't my fault if they don't notice certain truths I made hard to find.

God: That in order to get what you promised them, they need to pay a ridiculous amount of taxes? And that only an extremely small percentage of people are able to qualify for your relief plans?

Senator: It is much more complex than that, but basically yes.

God: Come again?

Senator: Listen, I am voted in by the people. It is impossible to please all the people. All I can do is appeal to the largest crowed, and say I will help with he largest problems the largest crowd believes in. It doesn't matter if this crowd is right, or even know what they really want, or if giving them what they want will hurt hundreds, thousands more people, or if I can even provide what they want.  What matters is that they think I will help with what they want help with, and that I am the type of person they like

God: Do you mind if I ask you a series of some what leading question?

Senator: I'm not a lawyer, go ahead.

God: What is your definition of unjust?

Senator: Not giving punishment to those who deserve it, and giving punishment to people who don't.

God: What is your definition of wicked?

Senator: Without scruples. Cruel and uncaring to anyone but yourself.

God: Could you deny that many of the people you try to appeal to by fighting for their cause are cruel and uncaring?

Senator: Of course I could deny it.....

God: And be completely honest?

Senator: Well, um, that might be a bit harder.

God: Do you defend them?

Senator: Yes.

God: Do you show partiality to them?

Senator: Yes.

God: Wouldn't you consider that defending the unjust and showing partially to the wicked?


God: Well?

Senator: I'm trying to think of a convincing lie. Don't rush me.

God: If I had eyes...I would be rolling them
Will you defend the cause of the weak and
           Maintain the rights of the poor
                         and oppressed?

Cop: Depends.

God. On what exactly?

Cop: On how I feel towards them. Mind if a smoke? I know some Christians who feel smoking is the eighth detestable sin.

God: It is more the atmosphere, company, and addiction I don't like about smoking. As for the actually action? Go ahead.

Cop: Thanks.

God: Earlier you said weather or not you defended someone was based on how you feel at the time. Explain please.

Cop: Let's say, hypo-thetic-cally speaking, I had, had a really bad day. I spilled my coffee, got every red light, ran out of gas before I got toe the gas station, they didn't have my favorite type of doughnut when I got to work. By that time I'd be ticked. I might pull over any old sucker who looked at me funny, and find something wrong with his driving just to give him a ticket.

God: So hypothetically speaking, you defend the weak and the fatherless if you're in a good mood?

Cop: Depends.

God: Depends! On what?

Cop: Forgive me if I sound cynical here, but on what from it. I know a lot of my co-workers go out of their way to be gentle and help nervous women, pansy males and kids, but I do what'll get me an adrenaline rush and recognition. I like the feel of a gun heavy in my hands, and the way it sounds when I fire it, and the room began to quit as everyone realizes I'm the one with real power. Not that joke of a Senator.....

Senator: Well I never.....

Cop:.....but me. All the senator's power comes by them threatening people with people like me. Most are persuaded easily when the barrel of my gun is in their face. Don't you love guns?

God: Not really, I view them as a necessary evil. Like any weapon. Now let me get this straight, who you defend depends on two things. your mood, and the feeling of power it gives you.

Cop: Depends.

God: Do tell, what now?

Cop: How much I like the person. I'd sooner give a ticket to someone who ticks me off when I pull him over even though he didn't do anything, than some babe who did do something, but sweet talks me. I tend not to help guys out who I don't like very much.

God: Next time you're being attacked by some sort of vicious animal, remind me I don't like you.

Cop: Why.

God: So I won't fell obliged to help you.

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