Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day Twenty-Four~A movie no one would expect you to like

Any one who knows me, knows when it comes to books, or movies, I don't have much patients for girly romantic comedies, and that I would pick an action flick over a chick flick any day of the week. For those people, the movie no one would expect me to love is BBC's North and South.

The thing with most several hour BBC movies is that I can watch them and enjoy them, only once. The second time it is a little tedious, and the third time it is torture. Not so with this movie. I have watched it three or four times and I love it just as much. Imagine Pride and Prejudice, but way better and with better actors.

But there are those who don't know me, and at first glance I seem like one of those girls who could watch Ann of Green Gables a million times and still cry at the ending. For those people, the movie they wouldn't expect me to love is Minority Report.

Totally action packed, suspenseful, original plot and idea, fascination and unique yet oddly believable world. It has all the things I look for in a  good movie.

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