Saturday, August 28, 2010

Desires of my Heart

Lord I'm on my knees,
To cast up all my cares.
Through the burning pain,
I always know you're there.

So hear my one and desperate plea.
Answer my pray my wish,
End all of my anguish,
As long as You don't set me free.
For I'm not ready yet to part,
With all my earth things.
Please give my everything,
But the desires of my heart.

What I pray for now,
Are the desires of my mind.
With Your will or Lord,
They don't always coincide.
What my heart longs for,
Is to be only in Your light,
And offer myself,
As a living sacrifice.

For I'm not ready yet to part,
With all my earth things.
Please give me everything,
But the desires of my heart.

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