Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day Twenty-Six~A childhood memory

I have several funny and memorable childhood memories, most of the from when I was five. The one that came instantly to mind though was one that happened when I was a bit older. I am not exactly sure how old I was, I think I was around seven or eight.

A friend and I were playing out in the front yard. My friend started complaining about how hot it was and how sweaty she was, that she would need to take a shower when she got home. I forget whose brilliant idea it was, but one of us thought instead of bothering our family by making them bathe us, we could wash ourselves.......with blowing bubble solution. With our small child logic it made perfect sense. Soap was soap after all, wasn't it?  Plus we could still be outside and use the garden hose, which was a plus and made the whole thing seem more fun somehow.

Well, both my friend and I washed our hair with bubble solution. We were having a swell time, until an adult came and saw what we were doing. We were so excited and we tripped over our to tell him our great idea and did he agree with us? Apparently he didn't, considering by the time the next minutes rolled around I was taking a real shower with regular soap.

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