Thursday, January 3, 2013

Some Catch up

You know what, I completely forgot I wanted to blog all of this. I blogged it. Feel free to read it, or not.

Day thirty-one
December 1, 2012 Second month of A Thousand Days. Yeah!

Day thirty-two
December 2, 2012: Saw Rise of the Guardians with my family. It was really good. DreamWorks is getting to be nearly as good as Pixar with their animated films. I also came up with a couple killer short story ideas today, one of them even Christmas themed called, Naughty.

Day thirty-three
December 3, 2012: Work, it seems, is either feast or famine.  Either there's dozens of people waiting in line to be checked out, or I'm tidying the same rack of shirts that I've already tidied several times. I actually don't mind the busy times much, it makes the time go more quickly, but the wandering around straightening up the store is the boring part.

Day thirty-four
December 4, 2012: I'm putting the dates on the days now. I wasn't before. Now that it's a new month it struck me as a good idea, as already I'm losing count of the days. Sometimes before the only way I knew I had written the entry was by matching the day to the date. In the ultimate resting place for this project, every day will probably be dated as I plan on writing all of these entries down in a journal, and it would be weird to have the format suddenly change. Not any weirder than talking about a change that seems irrelevant I guess.

Day thirty-five
December 5, 2012: Why is it so hot? It's December and it's 70 degrees out. Even with the Christmas decorations up it's hard to wrap my brain around the fact that it's December. It's warmer here than it was in June in Bend.

Day thirty-six
December 6, 2012: I did nothing today. Absolutely nothing. I had all this stuff planned to do today since it was my day off. But no, I woke up this morning with blood all over my pajamas, and I've been extremely tired and quite frankly really cranky all day. (Period, by the way. Not some random wound or strange disease.) 

Day thirty-seven
December 7, 2012:  We have an advent calendar which is shaped like a Christmas tree and has little drawers with an ornament inside for each day. The calendar is rather old so many of the ornaments are broken. One of them is a snowman; was a snowman. Now it's just a snowman's head. Each of us kids take turns on the different days. Today was my turn and I got the snowman head. In Doctor Who we recently watched the episode where we discovered that Captain Jack is the face of Boa. Therefore, I decided that the snowman's name was Jack Frost, and now that he's just a head, he's the face of snow.

Day thirty-eight
December 8, 2012: I'm not sure I agree with this whole working on the weekend thing. Today we decorated our Christmas tree and went and got our ornaments for it. There are even some presents under it already.

Day thirty-nine
December 9, 2012: I have discovered the hot chocolate I have been searching before. No hot chocolate ever has ever been the perfect balance of thickness, and smoothness, and rich chocolate taste. They are all either grainy, or watery, or really don't taste very much like chocolate. For years I have been looking for a rich chocolate but not cloying, perfectly smooth but not grainy hot chocolate. Mum makes this really good chocolate eggnog.  Well, if you warm it up turns out it makes the perfect hot chocolate. It's a lot of work really, for a cup of hot chocolate so I know I won't be having it very often...maybe that's actually a good thing. If the world's best hot chocolate was easy to make I might get fat.

Day forty
December 10, 2012: Late night. I hate the closing shift. There is nobody there after six, and after seven everything that can possibly be straightened has been straightened. Also spent all morning talking to different colleges, all of them acting as if I was going to sign up with them and already had my ducks lined in a row. All said and done, today has drained me.

Day forty-one
December 11, 2012: I do not like the way forty is spelled. Went to the dentist today. As always I need to go back next week and get work done. I guess it's because I don't brush three times a day, floss at least once every day and use a mouth wait, I do, do those things.

Day forty-two
December 12, 2012: Finally got my library card for the local library. Oh, and I am almost done with my Christmas wrapping. I'm so proactive this year.

Day forty-three
December 13, 2012: Today I visited Belk with Mum and Katy. At first I wasn't going to go but then I decided to. I'm glad that I did. At Belk I found the leather (okay realistically it's actually pleather) jacket I have been looking for, for years. I even got a Belk credit card and stuff. I "used" some of the money I will be getting for cloths for Christmas. Technically the jacket was bought with fake money, but I'll probably pay it off the day after Christmas.

Day forty-four
December 14, 2012: I don't know what to write. I wish colleges would stop calling me. I hate talking on the phone.

Day forty-five
December 15, 2012: Okay, fine, I will never ever complain about how slow it is in the Men's department. From 3 to 4 I worked alone. I've worked that time alone a couple of times and it has always been alright, but today it was crazy. There were a million people needing to be checked out and of course that was the day that everyone came in with returns without their receipt. What's with the p in that word? We should get rid of that p.

Day forty-six
December 16, 2012: Can't say as I am disappointed I have the next two days off. Work wasn't as bad as yesterday, but it was a long day nevertheless. Longer than yesterday. Less stressful than yesterday, but today felt so long.

Day forty-seven
December 17, 2012: I hate how all of the colleges are taking up my entire day talking to me telling me information that they send to me all in an e-mail already. And it's like they all assume I'm ready to make a decision right then and there. I'm on the other end thinking, hello, still in the information gathering stage. Maybe if you didn't spend hours talking to me giving me the amount of information that I could find in your e-mail in only ten minutes I would have had more time to make a bloody decision already.

Day forty-eight
December 18, 2012: Today may have sucked but at the very least there were Christmas cookies.

Day forty-nine
December 19, 2012: Back to the grind today until Christmas. Somehow it isn't as bad as having a day off ruined by college phone calls.

Day fifty
December 20, 2012: It was so nice today not having to talk on the phone to a college. That does mean I'll probably have to speak to one tomorrow. I don't know why. It's not like I don't have all of the information I need from all of them already. Especially from that one that promised over and over again that I wasn't committing myself to anything, and then right in the middle of "helping" my figure out where I financially concerning college the person on the phone tells me I've already been enrolled. I think that college needs to look commit and enroll in the dictionary.

Day fifty-one
December 21, 2012: Well, the day's already over for much of the world and they are all still here, so I guess the Mayans really did just run out of room on their calendar. (Not to mention the fact that according to the Mayan calendar December 21st 2012 was years ago since they didn't account for leap year.) I had a very lovely walk down to the square with Katy and Mum this afternoon. Before now, I could never understand how anyone could ever hate Christmas, even if their Christmases weren't the best. Having worked in retail around Christmas time, I can see it. I personally still love Christmas, but that is only because I have years of wonderful memories, and a still fantastic family to celebrate Christmas with.

Day fifty-two
December 22, 2012: I really want to write about something other than work, but that is all that comes to mind. That's all I do most days now. I always wondered why people would want to talk about work, but it's because it's really all they have to talk about. I closed tonight, and it was busier, that also meant it took more time to close because we needed to straighten. You know what I don't get. The opening shift is so slow, and it is even more dead than the closing shift usually, even around the holidays. (Unless it is some early bird sale or something, but only then ever. And JCPenny doesn't have early bird sales anyway.) Often times the closing shift has to stay late just to tidy up. Why can't the closing shift leave things mostly tidy and then the opening shift make things really tidy since there's nothing to do?

Day fifty-one
December 23, 2012: Wow, is tomorrow really Christmas eve? Working has really made the holiday sneak up on me especially since I will be working tomorrow. I'll still get to go to the Christmas eve service though.

Day fifty-two
December 24, 2012: The Christmas eve serves was good. I saw my manager, there. I'm not sure if working in retail around the holidays has made Christmas worse or better for me. On one hand, it has been slightly disenchanted for me. I've seen first-hand how nasty people get around the holidays and how they treat present giving like some horrible obligation. On the other, seeing that other people's Christmas is not very good, it makes me appreciate the fact that I have a wonderful family to celebrate Christmas with.

Day fifty-three
December 25, 2012: The one problem with Christmas is that it is over so quickly. And this year it seemed I did especially little on the day itself. After opening presents I napped, filled my time with doing nothing, took a walk, and played a game with the kids. Usually I read, and write, and maybe even watch a little something on the TV as well as those other things. Ah well, today was a good day. It's funny, the days I don't work I don't feel like doing any of the things I enjoy. I just want to sit there and do nothing.

Day fifty-four
December 26, 2012: The day after Christmas; such a bitter sweet day. Back to work again. Bleh.

Day fifty-five
December 27, 2012: I've decided I will have a New Year's resolution. I'm going to blog more. I am I am I am. I enjoy it, I don't know why I don't do it more. I just wish I had something central to blog about. Something better than random things that happen to me and random things that I think.

Day fifty-six
December 28, 2012: Today off. Yeah! I need to dig up my blog post idea list. I've also thought up a couple. Such as, Short Story VS. Novel. Well, actually that's all I've come up with so far. I also want to do the daily writing exercises, but ever since I've started work it's No time at all. I need to try. I will try. I swear it. It will be good practice for finding time for school work as well.

Day fifty-seven
December 29, 2012: I spent about seventy dollars of the one hundred dollars that Mum gave me for cloths money for Christmas. Today was my first day after Christmas that I worked in women's. At first I only picked a couple of things that I was going to try on during break. I told Tina (the person with me in women's) that that was all I was putting on hold for myself, but she shook her head and said, "Ah no honey. You're going to find things while straightening. It happens to all of us." It did. I ended up getting one very pretty plum colored sweater, a pair of black and white trousers, and a pair of black skinny jeans. (I know. I can hardly believe it myself. Who ever thought I would be wearing skinny jeans, let alone black?)

Day fifty-eight
December 30, 2012: Finally played the Settlers of Catan that I got for Christmas. It was just as much fun as I remember, although I did loose miserably.

Day fifty-nine
December 31, 2012: Last day of 2012. I posted on my blog today, well tomorrow. I wrote the post but I have it timed to go on the net at exactly at midnight. It's pretty cool

Day sixty
January 1, 2013: Happy new year!

Day sixty-one
January 2, 2013: Uhg, why didn't I run today? Now I have to run tomorrow. I finished reading The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairy Land: And Led the Revels There. Long title I know, but it is a really good book. It's a bit like Alice in Wonderland, only it actually has a plot. 

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