Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 75

Day seventy-five
January 16, 2013: I usually wait until after dinner before I write my daily entry but today I decided I would do it earlier. I have the closing shift tonight and I have discovered that the closing shift nights are the ones where I tend to forget to write. That isn't surprising considering I don't get home until almost 10. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey was really good. Martin Freeman was born to be " the f****** hobbit movie, playing the f****** hobbit."* He made the perfect Bilbo Baggins. I also learned yesterday that I cannot wear hats to work. This makes me very sad, as I love hats, and I love to wear them. If I just loved hats but didn't care whether or not I wore them it wouldn't be as sad. As it is the wearing part that I love about hats, it is sad.

*That's a quote from Martin Freeman himself, by the way. 

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