YES!!!!!! I did it! Albeit, I'm a little disappointed in the story I wrote. It is okay, I mean it isn't bad, at least not really bad. The really sad part though is that I had come up with some rockin' ideas...unfortunately they were all too complex for a short story. Novella length maybe, if I work on keeping things short, but not a short story. At first I thought all of them would work, and it was only a matter of picking the right one. So I wrote short outlines of all of them, thinking that would help me decide. It did, but only because once I had written down the outline I realized the ideas were far too complex. The only idea I could come up with that was short enough, I did not really like. Ah well, the whole point to this challenge was to be inspired to write something larger than a paragraph, and I did write a short story, and now I have a ton more ideas to work with.
Oh, and another mark of celebration, this just happens to be my one-hundredth post. Imagine that! Timely isn't.
Pretty exciting huh? And I managed to do it in under a year. It will be a year in about eleven days, but still, under a year. Honestly, with how little I post I would have thought it would take a couple years at least.
And, another thing to celebrate, (yes another thing!) is I finished editing The Drosselmeyer Legacy. If knows an editor I would be more than willing to let them take a stab at it, I would even make coffee dates with them and we could edit it together. One my own though, I think it is as good as it is going to get. I could go through it yet again, but I honestly don't think I would change it that much. Maybe a few sentences here and there to make the language flow better, but not more than that.
I guess now is when I would usually post the challenge. I don't think I am going to though. Like I said, I am not really fond of what I wrote, but not doing the last challenge? That does seem a bit of a cope out, doesn't it? It is almost even worse than skipping the first challenge. So I will do something a little differently, basically I will be cheating. Instead I will write the ideas for the novels this challenge has inspired. I'll give a synopsis and write down the challenges that were going to be in them. I guess, since it is the short story I wrote for the challenge, give a synopsis of the story I don't like.
Binder's Keep-Alexa finds a mysterious book shop and meets mysterious people inside of it. Day three, Day five, Day Nineteen, Day Twenty-Two, Day Twenty-Five.
Now on to some of the ideas I actually liked.
God Syndrom-Alexa Quillan is a wanna-be writer. Sure, she does write, and she is even published, but her books sell so little, she struggles to make more that 25,000 a year off of it. She's only able to actually live in a house because of part time work at a local coffee shop. She likes to view herself as an undiscovered genius. That the books she writes are actually really good, it's just the public is so shallow they can't swallow her realistic writing style. One un uneventful day though, one of the characters from her first novel comes back and hunts her...literally. Day Five, Day Nine, Day Twenty, Day Twenty-Three, Day Twenty-Nine
Relic (working title really)-In the future, it is a requirement for every single person to collect something. Whether it be a brand of toy, cars, baseball cards, or even gum wrappers. Nothing is considered trash, and everything is considered a treasure. This may seem an odd costume, but there is a reason behind this odd tradition. Much culture and information was lost when the computer system failed, and the only way the information was conserved was through the use of people who remember. Quite a number of these people, were collectors. Collectors studied in depth what they collected, they understood the history behind it, preserving that piece of history. Day Ten, Day Twenty-Five, Day Twenty-Seven. (I would have added more challenges if I had actually written the story)
The Story Doctor-Nobody really knows who the story doctor is, all they know is that sometimes stories break, characters do something they aren't supposed to do, or something happens incorrectly, and somehow the story doctor knows to fix it.
I didn't actually come up with any challenges for this one, after writing down the idea, I already knew I couldn't fit it into a short story.
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