Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day Three~Write a Poem

Price of a Broken Heart
To love as no love has before,
To be content yet still want more.
To have and hold the dearest thing,
yet to an end of it you bring.

What is loved is lost,
Or never had at all.
One must first climb up,
If down one is to fall.

So bitter is a broken heart.
Must be whole to be torn apart.
It needs life, if it is to die.
Joy is felt by those who cry.

For a heart is worth,
The love that it can start.
That worth is then the price,
Of a broken heart.


Unknown said...

Another good one! Can I suggest the addition of an n to the end of the first know in the blog tittle? =)


Alex Quillian said...

Is there a known in a blog title? I cannot find it.

Alex Quillian said...

Oh, okay, I see what you are talking about. The blog description, the poem about knowing thing. Kind of a no brainer.

Megan Marie said...

That's it!!!! Why oh why did you and katy both get an amazing writing talent and I have ZILTCH?!?! I just don't understand! LoL... I mean really, did I leave that talent behind in the womb? And then katy and you got my portion?!?! *sigh* really, REALLY whish I could write like that! :-) Great job Becca... LOVED IT!