Friday, February 25, 2011

Day Eleven~Write a Narrative Paragraph

Jack brushed the dirt off of his pants, grumbling to himself. He jerked his head up, glaring at the tree which had the audacity to let the branch he was on break and snap off.

Jack rotated his arm, it being hurt by the fall. It was sore, bruised feeling, but other than that it seemed fine.

When he heard the snap of a twig, someone stepping on it, causing it to break in half, Jake leapt up and ran into the bushes. He worked himself deep into the green foliage, even though it snagged his cloths and pulled at his unruly hair.

Holding his breath, trying not to make a sound, Jake listened.

The soft yet elongated step of someone who tries to tread softly. Voice, quite.

"Are you sure." He could not be sure, but Jake though it Tim, the boy who had been chosen as it.

"Well, I heard him." This boy spoke louder, and Jake could instantly tell it was Samuel, who must have been found already.

"Are you sure it was him."

"Someone was making noise." The sound of walking stopped. "Jake, you know you are not supposed to change hiding places after the game starts, right?"

Jake bit his tongue. Lying prone in the bushes, Jake could see Samuel's mud crusted sneakers, the laces not tied by tucked in. Jake felt almost tempted to say her had no choice, his original hiding place had thrown him out, but he managed to resist the urge.

After what felt like an eternity, Tim and Samuel went on their way, and Jake let out his long held breath.

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