Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day Ten~Write a Character Sketch

Annabeth was her name. Her hair was the color of mahogany. Brown with brilliant red highlights. Her skin was pale and a light flurry of freckles brushed the arch of her nose. She was thoughtful and quiet, she never did speak much. She mostly liked to think. She was always thinking. While baking, while walking, while doing chores, or simply staring into the fire place with a reflective look on her face.

Sometimes she would swing on the old wooden swing tide to an oak tree near her house. She loved the way her skirts wrapped around her legs. The way her pendant would lightly thump on her chest. her hair would fan out as if in water, and she would revel in the split second where she was weightless.

She took wonder in the small things, like swinging, but also like how things grew, where the wind came from, and why the sky was blue. She was never content with the answerer, "Because it is." She would look for what she deemed the real answer, knowing it was the real answer simply because it felt right. She would search till she found it, or dropped dead trying to. She never did find an answer to why the sky was blue that felt right to her.

She was stubborn. Not in a fit throwing way. She was very calm when it came to getter her way. And she would not sway or move till she had gotten what she wanted. Her kind of stubborn was very thoughtful. Full of long hours of plotting and planing, till the day she unleashed her plan. It was subtle, and most people did not realize what she was even doing, so no one ever really could stop her. She always got her way...nearly always anyway.

She was selfish at times, not so much a miser or greedy, simply thinking of herself first. If she cared about you though, you were lucky to be thought of second. She would use all that stubborn thinking of hers, and help you through thick and thin.

She kept most people out, only a lucky few got to see into her heart. Everyone who was allowed in could never really be sure why. All they knew was that they were an answer to a question. All she knew was that for some reason or another, the felt right.

Her name was Annabeth.


Megan Marie said...

I really liked that! hahaha almost makes me want you todo a character sketch on me... *ALMOST* lol I don't know if I could handle some of the things you would say about me. lol! Anyway, loved the writing!!! <3

Anonymous said...

Hey Becca, you won my giveaway for the flower bookmark!!! Congrats! :D

Amy, from the Etsy shop, said to contact her through Etsy about the bookmark, so you will have to have an Etsy account to do that. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me, or leave a comment on my blog. ;) Here is the link to the shop:
