Wednesday, March 19, 2014


For a long while, my room has been a very pale cream color, but recently the paint was finally bought and the room painted. In truth, it is just one wall, but I like just the pop of color. The rest of the wall in the room I have other plans for. Something involving a clock and a large print. Here are before and after pictures.

I was kind of expecting for the before picture to somehow automatically pop above the after picture so I would have had to spent the next hour fixing it. But it didn't.

 I know one wall might seem a little weird, but I am not into the lighter colors that make for good wall colors, but just one wall in something bold and striking looks cool. I'm planning on putting squares of that color elsewhere, as the boarders of pictures and stuff. I will post about it as soon as my room has finally come together.

1 comment:

Megan Marie said...

OMGOSH!!! Becca I LOVE the color!! It fits the room perfectly.. And it's awesome... You did a great amazing job... ;-) Can't wait to see it in person...