Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 492

Day four hundred ninety-two
March 10, 2014: Today I have done something which I have never done before. I have played Monopoly. I know it is a game usually saved for those rainy days were there is literally nothing else to do, but me sibs and I wanted to play a game so there we go. I knew the general idea of Monopoly, so I figured it would not be too much time spent reading the instructions. Ha, ha, ha, ha. I dared to enter the long and trying game that truly tests commitments and leaves one morally conflicted. I left that game with a better idea of myself. I saw myself at my worst in that game. A love and drive of money, a passionate hate for all who had more than me, bitterness when someone else’s spot was landed on, but a sense of entitlement when it was money owed me. Monopoly is truly a game which strips away our false pretentions at being decent human beings and leaves us bare and exposed as the contemptible people we are.

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