Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Who are You People?

It is time I broach a subject that I have been meaning to get to for quite some time. Now, I follow a few blogs. A couple book review ones, writing themed ones, and a small handful about people living ordinary lives. Mostly I follow blogs from my favorite authors so I can keep up on the latest and greatest news. As I do not actually know any of these people, I never comment, so I doubt anyone from these blogs know I even exist. 

Sometimes I mean to follow blogs from people who write about interesting things, and then comment, get digital friendships going and get them to follow my blog. Really, that seems to be the best way to get followers if you're just some regular person. But alas, while I do have a small amount of time between two jobs and college, I spend it doing other frivolous things I enjoy more, like reading or hitting more forehead against the wall, or adding buttons eyes to socks so I won't feel so lonely. 

Yet it has happened.

I used to have five followers. Two of them family members, one a friend from Bend who's blog I follow, myself (yes, one of my followers is myself,) and another whom I acquired when we both participated in the same blog group activity thing. 

Now I have six. Thinking this sixth person was someone I somehow knew I checked it out. Much to my dismay, the person who had been following me due to the mutual blog was no longer following me. But two people, whom I do not know, are now following this blog.

And basically my reaction was this...
I know, I know, I don't like Spongebob, but this was the best representation of my emotions.

So, the two of you, I am assuming you know who you are. Do I know you? Have I just offended you because I do not recognize you? Are we somehow connected through a network of mutual friends and relatives? Or are you random individuals who happened upon my blog, thought "I like that junk," and so clicked "follow"? Abbey and Sarah? Are you there? Are you reading this? If so, I have acknowledge your existence, which is far more than some bloggers will do. Post below (if you actually are reading this thing) about how you found this blog. I'm curious.

And since you have graced your eyes and soul by pursing my blog, I shall return the favor.

Sorry again if we somehow actually know each other. Sometimes I can be kind of a jerk like that. 

1 comment:

Megan Marie said...

I follow you!!! It's me.. Your amazing older sister.. MEGAN!! Bahahaha... That's great about getting two new bloggy friends!! :) Gave Mike Linda your blog address tonight!!