Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy Holidays to You

After my two month haitis due to NaNoWriMo and the holidays, I am eager to get back into the swing of things, to take time out of my busy days to post on this blog that no one really reads anyway. So for starters, I'll get to the holidays. 

As many, (probably all of you since you are all family members) know that I always get rather involved with my present wrapping. This year, all but one of  the presents I got were really small. So I rolled with it, and wrapped the gifts in such a way that only small gifts can be wrapped. 
I made my own tree out of cardboard and paper and all the gifts I wrapped to put under my mini tree. The only present that wasn't small, slippers for my mum, were put in the base of the tree. 

Christmas eve we always decorate gingerbread cookies. Thinking about it now I should have taken pictures of everybody's, Abi even made a really cute Elsa cookie, but I only took shots of the two I decorated. 

And even though my cookie decorating skills are great, for those of you who may not have particularly keen sight or an obsession with British science fiction, the cookies are Doctor and Donna.

Also here are some candles I stole from our church from the Christmas Eve candle light service. 

They were just going to throw them away anyway. Our church back in Bend would reuse the old ones the next year, and keep using them until they were just stubs, this church doesn't. Unless they give the old candles to the homeless and needy I see no shame in taking them. I keep them in my purse, you know, just in case the apocalypses happens so electricity no longer works. I also have a lighter, even though I don't smoke, so don't try to catch me unprepared on that front either. 
Most of my time in December was spent working, so yeah. That's about it. 


Megan Marie said...

WHAT!?!?!?! Kinda offended that you didn't mention ANYTHING about me and Christmas... Like My older sister came and visited and her daughter got me sick!! hahahaha... ;-) Again I'm REALLY SORRY about that one... hahahaha.. I can't wait to hear more about your life.. OH could I give the Keeleys your blog address?? She messaged me the other day asking about you!!! She says they all miss you!!! :)

Alex Quillian said...

Sure. I was actually going to mention you but I wanted it the post to end kind of lame so I didn't. I left out the exciting bits on purpose.