Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 454

Day four hundred fifty-four
January 31, 2014: Ollie, the adorable gray stray my family took in, loves to sleep in my room. The only catch, she only sleeps in there if I am not in there, and the lights also have to be off. The moment I enter, she leaves as if there is a fire breath dog chasing her. Of course, she glares at me for disturbing her slumber before she takes off. Because I guess, after all, it is one of the few quiet and dark rooms in the house, and far be it for me to use my room.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 453

Day four hundred fifty-three
January 30, 2014: I still can’t believe I have to take a class in typing. It is such a waste of time.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 452

Day four hundred fifty-two
January 29, 2014: Well I thought the library did not have the book Divergent, but it turns out that typing in Divergence is not close enough. That just got me a book about some liberal limiting about the terrible state of America. The book I wanted was lost, number 11 in Wheel of Time. You type in the book title, the library shows that it has it, but oh then you get there and oops, never mind, they don’t, they did once, but not anymore. So I got the Gregor the Overlander series.

Day 451

Day four hundred fifty-one
January 28, 2014: After being stranded in kids for a week I am finally moved back to men’s. I really wonder why we were over staffed those two weeks, it has gone back to just one person per department, instead of fifty. Work, why is this thing always about work? I don’t really like my job, why am I always talking about it?

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 450

Day four hundred fifty
January 27, 2014: I am only working three days this week. In fact, I am working less these next two weeks combined than I did last week alone. Also, sad day, I do believe that I have lost my earbuds. I will have to buy new ones, to work out in, because my back up ones are uncomfortable.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 447-449

Day four hundred forty-seven
January 24, 2014: Worked at JCP from 11-7 and then had to go straight to my other job. I took lotion to work today so my hands weren’t quite as dry.

Day four hundred forty-eight
January 25, 2014: It feels like I have been constantly working ever since Friday morning. Most of Friday morning was spent doing school, then work, work again, chores when I got home, work and 10, work again babysitting, (a last minute thing, the mom went out with her friends.) I am looking forward to tomorrow. Absolutely no work nor school.

Day four hundred forty-nine
January 26, 2014: My only complaint about today is that it felt so short. Like, look, it’s 9 already and you’ve only done some of the things you have wanted to do on days you want to waste your time.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 446

Day four hundred forty-six
January 23, 2014: School, and a billion hours of work. Also my hands were really dry today? Like, what’s the deal?

Day 444 and 445

Day four hundred forty-four
January 21, 2014: My one day of freedom this week. I got a head start on my school. Technically classes don’t start until tomorrow but I already have the text books so I just read the first couple chapters of each one.

Day four hundred forty-five
January 22, 2014: So this dude, dressed all kind of dirty, old worn out jeans and a spotted tea shirt, walks in today. He seems a little…absent minded. Asking a new question before I finished answering the first, wandering off somewhere else after I showed him what he wanted. He was also bald with pockmarks, but that has nothing to do with his sort of strangeness. While he was shopping he walked up to a Mexican talking on a Bluetooth. “Do you speak English?” the bald man asked. “A little bit,” the Mexican replied, sounding a little like “I can’t believe I have to deal with this guy.” The bald man inched a little closer until his nose was only a few inches from the Mexican’s, “Does she speak English?” the balk man asked, this time pointing to the Mexican’s daughter, who was running around. “A little bit,” the Mexican replied, smiling nervously. “I said does she speak English!” the bald man asked, raising his voice and glaring. The Mexican paused, and choked out, “A little bit.” The next few moments were very tense as the bald man continued to glare and the Mexican smiled nervously, waiting to be yelled at. I stood behind a rack of cloths watching all of this, planning on breaking it up if it went too far. “That’s smart!” the bald man declared. “That’s right smart it is.” And then he wandered off. I swear, the Mexican about peed himself with relief. To top things off, the bald man then bought the worst corduroys ever just because they were on a really good sale, complaining all the while how a regular man like himself could no longer afford Levi jeans. When he took out is money, he had a huge stack of cash, which included at least a few hundred dollar bills. After he had purchased the corduroys, he drove off in a smart looking yellow convertible.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 440-443

Day four hundred forty
January 17, 2014: I was supposed to work tonight, but the mom got sick, so instead I am staying home and eating ice cream. I know how to take advantage of a Friday night, let me tell you.

Day four hundred forty-one
January 18, 2014: Eight hour shift. I don’t even get why I was there for eight hours. I mean, I know that’s what a normal person works, at a normal job, it’s mostly the fact that it was 11-7. Could a more awkward time be picked?

Day four hundred forty-two
January 19, 2014: 1-6:30. Once again, weird hours.

Day four hundred forty-three
January 20, 2014: Was supposed to have this day off, but switched with another girl for today. I might have somewhat forgotten about a dentist appointment I had today. Luckily thought the appointment was in the morning, and my shift started at 12.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Days 437, 438, and 439

Day four hundred thirty-seven
January 14, 2014: I am breaking out so much. I don’t know why I have so many pimples right now.

Day four hundred thirty-eight
January 15, 2014: Eggnog coffee cake! I know, it’s after Christmas, but it doesn’t taste blatantly eggnogy.

Day four hundred thirty-nine
January 16, 2014: This is something that I really, really want. I want an animated clip of Loki going about New York destroying it with his freezing frost giant powers…and he’s singing “Let it Go” from Disney Frozen.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 436

Day four hundred thirty-six
January 13, 2014: I just got up for some reason, but then I could not remember why. Sometimes I feel so smart and then I do something like that and then I think, “Ehhh, guess not.”

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 435

Day four hundred thirty-five
January 12, 2014: And so begins the kill week. The weird this is that I asked around today, and everyone is working about as much as I am, and all the shifts overlap. Now I could understand all of this shift overlapping during the holiday season, but during basically the slowest time of the year? What exactly is going down that there needs to be almost twice as many people than normal?

Day 434

Actually wrote this one yesterday, but just didn't post it until today, if any of you were paying attention.

Day four hundred thirty-four
January 11, 2014: Finally got around to spending some of that money I got for Christmas and got some things for my room. Though Katy and Mum forced me to go to JCP even though it was my DAY OFF, and there’s this unofficial rule you’re not supposed to come in on you days off, but they just had to go. *Puts on long suffering face*. Went to O’Charley’s, ate too much and still had to bring half of it home. Also tried to go see Catching Fire, but the theater was full. Might try later today.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


I know this is random, but my theme I had to write about with this exercises was "waiting." And this is what happened. 


I lit the cigarette with the butt of my old one. After the new cigarette had been lighted successfully, I dropped it to the ground and stamped it out by stepping on it. I took a huff from cigarette.

For the fourteenth time that night I rechecked the gun. I made sure that it was loaded, and aimed at the right spot. I went through the motions of what I was supposed to do when I saw the car come up. Put out the cigarette, lie flat on my stomach, hold the body of the rifle in my hands, hold steady until I saw the head of the man. Pull the trigger. Take the rifle off the stand, take it apart, place the pieces inside of the open bag next to me, fold up the stand, place it in the bag as well, zip the back closed. Stand up, walk towards the east door exit, and leave.

I looked down at the ground and saw the number of butts lying there. Two or three would not be suspicious. Butts from other smokers littered the ground everywhere. But seven, ten? If someone could roughly guess which direction the shot was fired from, someone might notice the large collection of butts, and then someone else might have the brilliant idea to check the butts for DNA. True that wouldn't prove as quickly or irreversibly that I was the killer as the movies and shows would make one believe. Nevertheless…better safe than sorry.

I picked up the butts one by one, keeping an eye out for the car.

Once done with that, I went through the process of lighting a new cigarette with an old one. I still crushed the old cigarette to put it out, but then picked it up and put it in my pocket with the others.

I took another drag at my cigarette.

I couched down.

Nothing to do by wait. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 433

Day four hundred thirty-three
January 10, 2014: I think work is trying to kill me.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 432

Day four hundred thirty-two
January 9, 2014: So I got my text books for my next set of classes today, and one of the classes apparently is on how to type and the basics of using a word processor. One would think, since I have already accomplished several classes on an online school, that they would assume I already knew how to do those two things. In fact, I looked through the text book and almost half the book is dedicated to learning how to type. Since computers are so prevalent isn’t that something that should be taught in grade school? I don’t know, I guess I just see teaching typing in college a bit like teaching hand writing in college.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 431

Day four hundred thirty-one
January 8, 2014: Colleen had a song stuck in her head all day. Not one with words, just a few measures of a melody. So, when I was picked up from work today, she duh-duhed it to me and now it is stuck in my head. It vaguely sounds like an epic version of the can-can, and it has been driving me crazy.

Who are You People?

It is time I broach a subject that I have been meaning to get to for quite some time. Now, I follow a few blogs. A couple book review ones, writing themed ones, and a small handful about people living ordinary lives. Mostly I follow blogs from my favorite authors so I can keep up on the latest and greatest news. As I do not actually know any of these people, I never comment, so I doubt anyone from these blogs know I even exist. 

Sometimes I mean to follow blogs from people who write about interesting things, and then comment, get digital friendships going and get them to follow my blog. Really, that seems to be the best way to get followers if you're just some regular person. But alas, while I do have a small amount of time between two jobs and college, I spend it doing other frivolous things I enjoy more, like reading or hitting more forehead against the wall, or adding buttons eyes to socks so I won't feel so lonely. 

Yet it has happened.

I used to have five followers. Two of them family members, one a friend from Bend who's blog I follow, myself (yes, one of my followers is myself,) and another whom I acquired when we both participated in the same blog group activity thing. 

Now I have six. Thinking this sixth person was someone I somehow knew I checked it out. Much to my dismay, the person who had been following me due to the mutual blog was no longer following me. But two people, whom I do not know, are now following this blog.

And basically my reaction was this...
I know, I know, I don't like Spongebob, but this was the best representation of my emotions.

So, the two of you, I am assuming you know who you are. Do I know you? Have I just offended you because I do not recognize you? Are we somehow connected through a network of mutual friends and relatives? Or are you random individuals who happened upon my blog, thought "I like that junk," and so clicked "follow"? Abbey and Sarah? Are you there? Are you reading this? If so, I have acknowledge your existence, which is far more than some bloggers will do. Post below (if you actually are reading this thing) about how you found this blog. I'm curious.

And since you have graced your eyes and soul by pursing my blog, I shall return the favor.

Sorry again if we somehow actually know each other. Sometimes I can be kind of a jerk like that. 

Day 430

Day four hundred thirty
January 7, 2014: So far I have not been writing 2013, which is weird. Usually I have to be careful for several weeks after the turn of the New Year. The really weird thing though is that all throughout 2013 I kept writing 2012. Just every once in a while, maybe a couple times a month, but still more than is good. It’s not as if 2012 was any longer than 2013, or that I wrote 2012 any more than I did 2013. Now that I wrote about it though I have probably jinxed it.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 429

Day four hundred twenty-nine
January 6, 2014: No interneting today. I cold front came in from the arctic and it has been cold today; the high was 11 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 428

Day four hundred twenty-eight
January 5, 2014: Work again tomorrow after four days of completely off bliss. One the plus side we are re-watching Sherlock to get all up to speed before it airs in the U.S.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 427

Day four hundred twenty-seven
January 4, 2014: And I get it in with half an hour to spare! I am going over Cycle again, editing it some more, mostly just proof reading for the edition I might be attempting to sell and CreateSpace, and it is amazing what I missed. This is the third time I am editing for typos, and I am still finding something on over half the pages. It is really making me doubt my proof reading skills.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 426

Day four hundred twenty-six
January 3, 2014: Now that it is actually the 3rd I don’t feel like it should be any particular date.  I feel like I should be doing more things these days, since it won’t be forever that I have school off and a lighter work load but quite frankly I want to have the joy to do nothing. Well, not do nothing but to really spend my time doing frivolous things like reading. I have missed reading for hours and hours.

Happy Holidays to You

After my two month haitis due to NaNoWriMo and the holidays, I am eager to get back into the swing of things, to take time out of my busy days to post on this blog that no one really reads anyway. So for starters, I'll get to the holidays. 

As many, (probably all of you since you are all family members) know that I always get rather involved with my present wrapping. This year, all but one of  the presents I got were really small. So I rolled with it, and wrapped the gifts in such a way that only small gifts can be wrapped. 
I made my own tree out of cardboard and paper and all the gifts I wrapped to put under my mini tree. The only present that wasn't small, slippers for my mum, were put in the base of the tree. 

Christmas eve we always decorate gingerbread cookies. Thinking about it now I should have taken pictures of everybody's, Abi even made a really cute Elsa cookie, but I only took shots of the two I decorated. 

And even though my cookie decorating skills are great, for those of you who may not have particularly keen sight or an obsession with British science fiction, the cookies are Doctor and Donna.

Also here are some candles I stole from our church from the Christmas Eve candle light service. 

They were just going to throw them away anyway. Our church back in Bend would reuse the old ones the next year, and keep using them until they were just stubs, this church doesn't. Unless they give the old candles to the homeless and needy I see no shame in taking them. I keep them in my purse, you know, just in case the apocalypses happens so electricity no longer works. I also have a lighter, even though I don't smoke, so don't try to catch me unprepared on that front either. 
Most of my time in December was spent working, so yeah. That's about it. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day 425

Day four hundred twenty-five
January 2, 2014: I really feel like it should be the 3rd. I don’t know why, but I think it should be.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 424

Day four hundred twenty-four
January 1, 2014: A new year, and things are so the same and so different. It really is strange how that works.

Day 423

Day four hundred twenty-three
December 31, 2013: Happy New Year.