Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day 412

Day four hundred twelve
December 19, 2013: I am sad to say that retail is making the holidays dreadful. I used to love this time of year, and think that people were actually more giving and happy. Nope, nope, nope, nope. That is what TV and songs would like you to think, but the truth is that everyone has a list and expectations extra sensitive feelings. And then the nice ones can almost be just as bad because they see the fact that you are busy so they try to put things away and fold things but they do it wrong…which just causes more than if they had not tried to help. Seriously, what am I supposed to do? I tell the customer that it is fine, but then they go on about how we have enough to do, and I have to painfully watch the customer very neatly fold the shirt into a square with the sleeves tucked under the shirt, when they are supposed to be rectangles with the sleeves folded across in front.

1 comment:

Megan Marie said...

Bah-Hum-Bug!!! I'm so sorry!! How very *sucky* that the joy of the season is being washed away in other's pathetic stress induced yuckiness!! :p I'm sorry.. That's no fun.. Love ya Becca! Hang in there the season is almost done..