So today I was going to do a post about all of the honest and snarky things I think when I am dealing with the general public in my customer service job, and then I remembered that annoying, "The internet is forever thing," and how anyone can look at this blog. I don't want future employees looking at this post and then thinking, "Maaaaybe we shouldn't hire this one." That really is a shame. I am delightfully sarcastic and biting inside my own head and deliver some very appropriate remarks. Though I am beginning to wonder if even mentioning I think bitter and hateful remarks at all will be enough of a turn off that it is now pointless to hide the exact things I was thinking? Maybe even mentioning what I was going to post on was not such a good idea?
I love customers soooo much. They are just so great, and I just love soooooo much making them happy.
Of course whenever a customer has a bad experience it has nothing to do with the customer and it is all the employee's fault and the employee knows nothing about how to work the coupons and the sales and the pricing even though he is the one that deals with them everyday and the customer knows exactly what everything means. That is the way I view customer service.
There, that should undo the harm from before.
In all honesty though, while a full day of dealing with customers does tire me out, it is mostly because being around people for that long tires me out. There are the customers that are bothersome, but most are fine. Who doesn't get tired of dealing with people all day? In the end I think I would be happier if I was doing something I liked more. Retail just really isn't my thing. If I was doing something in finances, but still working with customers, I would be happier.
Anyway, I guess I should think of something to make this post about. After all I skipped last week due to a major butt load, (and I mean a big butt, not a little butt) of school. See, my college does this thing where the last week of a semester ends on a Wednesday and classes for the next semester begin the next Wednesday. That way you get a "week break" without actually taking up a valuable week of potential learning. Yet during the first week of the new semester, they still give you a full weed's worth of school. So basically a full week with two fewer days.
So I guess that is it for today. I guess I could also say I am learning Dvorak.
I don't know why. Kind of like knowing how to solve a Rubik's cube it just seems like a weird but cool skill to have. So far I have not met with much success. Supposedly it is more efficient...once you actually learn how to use it. Right now it takes me about ten minutes to write a single sentence. See, I will write a sentence in Dvorak now. Two actually. Once pretending I am still writing in Qwerty, and once actually writing in Dvorak.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Yd. 'gcjt xpr,b urq hgmlo rk.p yd. na;f eriv
I will let you decide which is which.
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