Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 363

Day three hundred sixty-three
October 31, 2013: I looked over the days some, and I’ve definitely messed up a couple of times. I haven’t looked at every single day, but there were even a couple of mistakes in the first month. I was trying to be so careful. I am such a failure!

One Last Writing Tidbit

Tomorrow is the start of NaNoWriMo, and so saying you probably will not be hearing from me except for the Thousand Days thing. So saying, here is a parting writing tidbit I wrote this week.

Starting from the end of the second to last chapter of Through the Looking Glass: And What Alice Saw There

“Your Red Majesty shouldn’t purr so loud,” Alice said sternly, setting Kitty down. She pulled herself up and surveyed the room around her. To her alarm the room was a terrible mess.
“I suppose,” Alive thought as Kitty began to paw at some loose threads dangling from Alice’s dress, “that this is what comes of being queen. All the chess pieces are scattered all over and just look at Diana! Her fur is all mess up!” Alice continued to prattle in this way, much how exactly seven and a half year olds are wont to do.
For quite a long time Alice thought she was back in her own room, gaily talking about her adventure add discussion who had been dreaming. She came to a book, one which smell of fish and to her alarm the words read as such.

                                               yʞƨ ynnuƨ ɘʜƚ ʜƚɒɘnnɘnɒɘd ,ƚɒod A

“How dreadful!” Alice cried, “I’m still in the looking glass world.” She scrambled for the looking glass and ran through it, or at least, that is what she meant to do. Rather, she ran into it and bounced right off again. All she had to show for it was a goosebump on her forehead.
Alice looked at the looking glass. To her surprise the Alice in the looking glass was not lying down and rubbing her forehead like Alice, In fact, looking glass Alice stood, hands on her hips, and a joyful if spiteful look on her face. A prim looking glass Kitty stood by looking glass Alice, licking her paw in disinterest.
Alice stood up, thinking hard. “I suppose there has always been an Alice in the looking glass, and she has always copied me before. But now she is laughing and pointing at me. Not only is that rude, but that is not what I am doing at all! So that Alice is not, cannot be me! I suppose if there was a looking glass fire place, and a looking glass chess set there had to be a looking glass Alice. Only there was not looking glass Alice when I got here. Oh, oh, oh. As I stepped through the looking glass, looking glass Alice must have done the very same thing and stepped through the looking glass into me world!”
Alice began beating on the looking glass, crying to be let out or in or whatever I was she had to be let.
For several moments looking glass Alice disappeared from where Alice could see her. When she came back, looking glass Alice held a large rock in her hand. Alice beat on the looking glass in a frenzy.
With an evil little smile her face, looking glass Alice smashed the rock into the looking glass.
First a spider web bloomed right where looking glass Alice had smashed the rock. Smash, Smash SMASH. The rock hit the looking glass over and over again until the entire thing was covered in cracks and lines. Alice’s hands got cut and covered in blood. It wasn’t until little pieces started to rain from the looking glass onto Alice’s feet before she stopped.

The end

Day 362

Day three hundred sixty-two
October 30, 2013: I’ve been counting the days, and I don’t think I have enough. It’s been a year, so November 1st should be day 366, but it is only going to be day 364. I need to go back and see what days I missed, or maybe I repeated. This is really annoying.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 361

Day three hundred sixty-one
October 29, 2013: This is so much work.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 360

Day three hundred sixty
October 28, 2013: I am typing writing this with me face smashed into a mattress.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 359

Day three hundred fifty-nine
October 27, 2013: My face is really hot right now, my hands are really cold, and the rest of me is perfect. I don’t understand. This is how it is when it is cold outside. My hands are just always cold no matter what, but if the rest of me is to be a comfortable temperature, my face always feels a bit flushed. I don’t understand it. My learning Dvorak is coming along nicely. I am over half way done with the lessons.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 358

Day three hundred fifty-eight
October 26, 2013: What do you call the city where the priest from the church of the obese live?
The Fatican

To NaNo, or not to NaNo

So the small amount of you who pop by my blog on a regular basis already know what NaNoWriMo is, and I have been contemplating doing it this year. I didn't last year, because the move started on the same day as NaNoWriMo, and I "didn't have the time." I dearly missed it last year, and almost wish I had done it. If I had known what I wanted to write and had something ready I probably would have. This year though when I had free time I cruised about the NaNoWriMo website and I've written a pretty detailed outline.

The only problem is that I have less time than I did last year. School, work, and sleep seem to take up all the time I have. And the days where I don't have school or work seem to be safe heavens that always will remain bitter sweet for it is impossible to fit all of the things I love doing into them without them being so busy they stress me out as much as days I have work and school. 

A part of me just wants to be really lazy, and do nothing the time I have off. Then again, I also want to do something that I enjoy with a passion. I know I am lucky and blessed to have my job and to have a chance to go to school, but I enjoy neither all that much, let alone with a passion. I think a part of me realizes the time when I had all the time is basically gone now, and life will always be busy. I need to write again, I really miss it, and it kills me to think it might be something I have to give up just because I am an adult now.

So I am going to try. It isn't like work, or school. If I don't win, or complete my goals, nothing bad is going to happen. The whole point to NaNoWriMo is to get to writing, and that's what I need. 

Soooooooo saying, I am mentally preparing myself not to stress too much about winning. I am going to try to do NaNoWriMo. I'm hoping I don't get to the second week in and say, "You know, forget this!" and throw my laptop against the wall and go live out the rest of my days as a wandering hippy with no education nor money. My studies will still come first, because you know, NaNo will only waste my time, if I don't study I will basically waste my money, and we all know I am too much of a miser for that. 

In a way I am excited for it. I will finally participate in the crazy business that NaNo is supposed to be. I always felt I cheated a bit since it was easy for me to not only get to the word count, but pass it long before the end of the month. There was no crazy dash to the end with tongue hanging out and frazzled nerves, having to fit in writing time in between eating lunch and going to work ten minutes later. I will actually have to try to win, try hard. 

I part of me is excited this year, another part is dreading it.  

Day 357

Day three hundred fifty-seven
October 25, 2013: The first of my four days off. Though really if we include school it is really only my first day off of three. Got a lot of small chores that built up done. Made a few calls, finally hemmed some pants that were about fifty inches too long, backed up my computer files, tidied up my room…a bit, balanced my checkbook, though it actually isn’t a check book, and everything is online so I don’t need to wait for a statement I just do it whenever I have time.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 356

Day three hundred fifty-six
October 24, 2013: That was intense. Four days of school and work, and now I have four days off. I even worked it out where I only have about one hour of school tomorrow. It was a pain for the past four days, but it will be worth it when the only school I have to do will be in the morning when I am still babysitting anyway.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 355

Day three hundred fifty-five
October 23, 2013: Let’s see. I ate, ran, cleaned the bathroom, did school, and went to work. My time is no more. Quite frankly I don’t know how people with families, like families they need to cook for and stuff, have time to do this school and work thing. I guess it could be possible if you didn’t put the effort you should into your school work, but I know just putting in the effort I feel the material deserves it is taking up literally all of my time. It’s just bad this week. Opening four days in a row, and as I said earlier days I open, (regardless of dinner) I just don’t seem to have as much time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 354

Day three hundred fifty-four
October 22, 2013: I have been looking at Pinterest instead of writing this entry, so it is especially short today.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Day 353

Day three hundred fifty-three
October 21, 2013: The only problem with opening now, is that it seems like I have less time to do school. Closing, a have six hours, opening it seems that sometimes I don’t get much more than one.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day 351 and 352

Day three hundred fifty-one
October 20, 2013: We were going to do a bunch of stuff today like go to a bonfire and art in the park, but Abe was sick and it looked like it might rain so instead we played a game of life and had a bonfire in our back yard where we sacrificed leaves and twigs to the idols of fall merriment.

Day three hundred fifty-two
October 20, 2013: Went to a corn maze today. We got lost, all six seasons, and then found our way out again. We were going to buy pumpkins there, but there were only tiny ones, so we got them at Walmart.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 350

Day three hundred fifty
October 18, 2013: Benefit number 1 of writing this thing with a digital format. I can edit. I have done this several times. I would sound like an idiot if I did not edit.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Day 349

Day three hundred forty-nine
October 17, 2013: Why did I ever start this thing? Did I honestly think I would come up with something interesting to say 1000 days in a row? It’s just, no, I hardly have anything interesting to say. My siblings and I exchanged some bad jokes today, and I finished the last fifty pages of House of Hades but other than that I spend the entire day writing essays.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 348

Day three hundred forty-eight
October 16, 2013: So for the first half of my shift at work today there was no music. I can’t decide if I prefer it off or on. With it off, I don’t have to listen to that music, which is awful, because I have heard each song a bagjillion times. Then again, with the music off nobody talks above a whisper and it was very annoying.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 347

Day three hundred forty-seven
October 15, 2013: No really, my life is very exciting.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 346

Day three hundred forty-six
October 14, 2013: For once I hope work isn’t too busy. I have a headache and business will not help that.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Day 345

Day three hundred forty-five
October 13, 2013: It is not even 7 yet, but I am already in my pajamas and it is a great feeling. I started reading House of Hades and that is going along. I am already 100 pages in after about a little over an hour’s worth of reading.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day 344

Day three hundred forty-four
October 12, 2013: I love being unproductive! It is the best.

Any Time but Now

My heart can break
The world will quake
Any time but now.
The stars may fall,
I'll hear death's call
Any time but now.

For a single moment,
The world is silently still.
A single beat repeating,
A shuddering kind of thrill
Take another breath.
Our minds a now expanding,
Every detail so clear.
Press your hand to mine,.
As long as we both are here.
Let our hearts keep beating.
We are not the victors,
Of some glorious war.
We are merely the after math,
Of the pain before.
We must keep on hoping.
I know that this is only.
The calm after a storm.
This hanging moment of perfection
Will keep all safe and warm.

Again wars will start
Lives will depart,
Any time but now.
Don't hesitate,
Love won't wait.

Any time but now.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Day 343

Day three hundred forty-three
October 11, 2013: One hundred bottles of beer on the wall, one hundred bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall. Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer, take on down, pass it around, ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall. Ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall, ninety eight bottles of beer…
…two bottle of beer on the wall, take one down, pass it around, a single bottle of beer on the wall. A single bottle of beer on the wall, a single bottle of beer, take it down, pass out drunk, no more bottles of beer on the wall.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 342

Day three hundred forty-two
October 10, 2013: When did being tired go from something I had to deal with some of the time to a perpetual state of ex existence? I would really like to know.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day 341

Day three hundred forty-one
October 9, 2013: So I have these sock that are a bunch of different colors, and for a while now my blue pair was missing. It’s just been hanging out on my dresser all by itself for over a month now. Today I was putting away my cloths when there, folded among my freshly laundered panties it lay. The other blue sock! The two blue socks have now been joyfully reunited.

What I'm Actually Think...never mind

So today I was going to do a post about all of the honest and snarky things I think when I am dealing with the general public in my customer service job, and then I remembered that annoying, "The internet is forever thing," and how anyone can look at this blog. I don't want future employees looking at this post and then thinking, "Maaaaybe we shouldn't hire this one." That really is a shame. I am delightfully sarcastic and biting inside my own head and deliver some very appropriate remarks. Though I am beginning to wonder if even mentioning I think bitter and hateful remarks at all will be enough of a turn off that it is now pointless to hide the exact things I was thinking? Maybe even mentioning what I was going to post on was not such a good idea? 


I love customers soooo much. They are just so great, and I just love soooooo much making them happy. 
Of course whenever a customer has a bad experience it has nothing to do with the customer and it is all the employee's fault and the employee knows nothing about how to work the coupons and the sales and the pricing even though he is the one that deals with them everyday and the customer knows exactly what everything means. That is the way I view customer service. 

There, that should undo the harm from before. 

In all honesty though, while a full day of dealing with customers does tire me out, it is mostly because being around people for that long tires me out. There are the customers that are bothersome, but most are fine. Who doesn't get tired of dealing with people all day? In the end I think I would be happier if I was doing something I liked more. Retail just really isn't my thing. If I was doing something in finances, but still working with customers, I would be happier. 

Anyway, I guess I should think of something to make this post about. After all I skipped last week due to a major butt load, (and I mean a big butt, not a little butt) of school. See, my college does this thing where the last week of a semester ends on a Wednesday and classes for the next semester begin the next Wednesday. That way you get a "week break" without actually taking up a valuable week of potential learning. Yet during the first week of the new semester, they still give you a full weed's worth of school. So basically a full week with two fewer days.  

So I guess that is it for today. I guess I could also say I am learning Dvorak. 
I don't know why. Kind of like knowing how to solve a Rubik's cube it just seems like a weird but cool skill to have. So far I have not met with much success. Supposedly it is more efficient...once you actually learn how to use it. Right now it takes me about ten minutes to write a single sentence. See, I will write a sentence in Dvorak now. Two actually. Once pretending I am still writing in Qwerty, and once actually writing in Dvorak. 
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Yd. 'gcjt xpr,b urq hgmlo rk.p yd. na;f eriv 
I will let you decide which is which. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day 340

Day three hundred forty
October 8, 2013: So I finished school for the day, and then didn’t have to go to work! It’s been like, a weeks since that has happened. I read, and then nearly finished my outline, and then wasted about an hour in front of the computer doing some things I’ve been meaning to get to, (but didn’t need to) for a while.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 339

Day three hundred thirty-nine
October 7, 2013: My life is so boring. I am doing school, and working today. The most interesting thing I did was put some Nutella in the microwave to see if that would make it soft enough to spread on a cookie. (It worked, by the way.)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 337 and 338

Day three hundred thirty-seven
October 5, 2013: School on a Saturday, which I have never done today.

Day three hundred thirty-eight
October 6, 2013: Why are all the pro-lifers suddenly more active? Because it’s October baby! Sorry. I am tired and that just sort of came into my head. Later I will probably ever regret writing it and wonder how I ever found it the slightest bit amusing.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 336

Day three hundred thirty-six
October 4, 2013: Busy, busy, buys. I did school, toady, and that’s about it.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 335

Day three hundred thirty-five
October 3, 2013: This is my dedication to this thing. I got out of bed when I remembered I still needed to do this. Not that I was falling asleep anyway. I am still a little worked up.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 334

Day three hundred thirty-four
October 2, 2013: Today was one of those days, where you have so much stuff to get done that stresses you out so much, all you want to do is curl up and sob for an hour but you can’t because then all the stuff that is stressing you out will stress you out even more because you could have used that hour constructively and you just wasted it, because you have started your new classes and not only is the work load larger but they also cut out two days from the first week and then you are told you made a mistake on your taxes that effects someone else and you can’t find a copy of a return because you were an idiot and didn’t keep on and then you have a headache and you have to go in to work at 3 and deal with stupid people every half hour and spend the rest of the time wishing you could use this dead space to do some of that school you’re having trouble finding time to do and you know it’s stupid but you are really stressed and frustrated and that is one of the most frustrating things because if you weren’t so frustrated you would be able to get things done more effectively and efficiently.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 333

Day three hundred thirty-three
October 1, 2013: I am making good head way outlining my next book. I should be done in the next couple weeks, which gives me a couple weeks to chill before November and…maybe doing NaNoWriMo. I’m not sure if I’m going to do it. I at least want to try, but I am scared that I will not win. And we all know how much that would mentally ruin me. Also, I am unsure if my current idea is long enough for 50,000 words. I am really bad at judging how long the outlines are compared to the books though.