Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Missing Scene

Recently I have been editing the last book in my fairytale series, A Place No So Far Away. I was paying strict attention to how things were spelled and whether or not everything was grammatically correct. (Derek lied down on the ground...Derek lied down? LIED!? How could I have been so stupid?) I was pretty intent on sentence structure and not so much what was going on.

I had just erased the last two words, having decided the ending was much better without them, and realized something. An entire scene was missing. Just gone. The scene wasn't necessary. It featured a few minor characters, and it wasn't pivotal to the plot; all it did was clear up something that would happen later on. A Chevok's gun sort of things if you will. It wasn't in the outline so basically there was no proof that it ever existed.

Near on frantic, I began to look through any documents that might contain this scene. While I had no particular fondness for this scene, it bother me it had just upped and left the story.

After I exhausted any file the scene could possibly have been in, and tired out a few others, I cut my losses, realized the scene was no where to be found, and started having an existential crises. Had I even written the scene? I remembered writing it, even the general way it went all down. I even found the spot it should have been. Was is possible though that I only thought about writing it? I sometimes think about scenes in detail before writing them out. Yet I distinctly remember actually typing this scene out. Did the scene depart in  some explicable way, or was it something as unremarkable as me forgetting to click "save"?

So it looks like I actually have one more scene to write before I am officially down with the book.

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