Saturday, May 4, 2013


Today I am going to share one of the little bits of writing I do when I do my writing exercises  A couple days ago my writing exercise was to write a short expository paragraph/essay. I had recently watched the episode "Victory of the Daleks," so daleks were on the mind. 

Daleks are a race of aliens. They used to be organic creatures but they spent years stripping themselves of any unnecessary physical feature. During this process the also stripped themselves of most feelings and emotions as well. Although it is a moot point since they were never human, in the way we usually use thy word the daleks stripped all humanity from themselves. Biologically, the now look similar to an octopus, if octopuses were a sickly pale white with bulging veins, if their heads were a larger proportion, and if they had more than eight tentacles. Daleks created for themselves super high-tech, metal , dome shaped bodies that look vaguely like shawled grannies from the side. As appendages they gave themselves a telescope on the head, and roughly were one would try to put arms the daleks gave themselves whisks and plungers. Daleks used to just com in a more natural bronze finish but now they come in all sorts of colors, such as blue, white, yellow, red, and more.
Daleks are mostly known for trying to wipe out humanity, but then failing, several times. They are always stopped by the Doctor, the last of the Time Lords. The daleks and the time lords were the two sides of the Time War. During the time war the only time lord to survive was the Doctor, (save the Master...and Satan, and according to whovians, perhaps the weeping angles, and Timothy Dalton, but let's not muddy the water.) The Doctor has actually completely wiped out the Daleks several times but the managed to come back from it each time.
They enjoy disintegrating things, floating, and yelling, "EXTERMINATE!!" 

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