Sunday, October 4, 2015

QFP: ?

I LIED!!! Inside joke anyway here I am again. Posting things. And stuff. Went to Wizard Con last weekend. That was cool. Since I wasn't willing to invest the money and time in a really nice costume, I dressed all in black, made myself some fake dynamite, and carried around a cardboard picture frame with the word BOOM glued to it. Then I photo bombed as many pictures as possible. Unfortunately, I don't really get the fruits of my labor. What I should have done is gone up to the people whose picture I photobombed, and ask them to send the pictures to an e-mail I made for the event. And to also put the hashtag #wizconphotobomb2015 on any photos that had me in them. Oh well. I would write more about it, but without pictures it's just going to be boring. I really didn't do a whole lot this time. It was some tickets I won and I thought I would use this time to just get my feet wet. Test the waters. If I ever do this again I might, (and that's a mighty strong might there) do a more thorough post.

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