Saturday, January 3, 2015

End of the Hiatus

Hello world and I am back! With a crazy holiday season with school being the most intense it has ever been, (every singe class actually took effort this semester, until now there had been at least one I could sort of just skate through and still get As) work the craziest it's ever been, (seriously, I worked almost as many days last year, but the shifts were longer this year) and the usual all over business that comes with the holidays, some stuff had to be put aside for a little while. Blogging was one of those things, since I have never been particularly faithful about it anyway. The only reason I keep it going is on the off chance that I do get famous I will already have a long standing blog for people to easily find.

Anyway, to get me back on the blogging track, I will tackle a 30 day challenge. I know, even though there are 31 days in January I am still behind a day. Not to worry, I will do days one and two today.

1. Brilliant in the Weirdest Way.

2. I am 5' 4". Ice cream is my favorite thing food. I love to read. I love to write. My hair is brown. I tend to be uptight. I don't have good dream recall. I got pretty decent at the piano but did not enjoy it enough to exert the effort to keep it up. I am single and getting pretty tired of people wonder "why" as if there needs to be a special reason beyond my not forcing the existence of a relationship where one doesn't happen naturally. BBC Sherlock is my favorite show, (at this moment.) Battlestar Galactica was my favorite show two years ago. Playing table top games is one of my favorite group activates. I am a size 12 generally. I like cats. I don't like dogs. I spend too much time on the internet. I like to debate things. I have read the Bible through five times. My hands and feet are always cold. Morning is my favorite time.

There, all caught up. In addition to that, I have some more exciting news. Yesterday was my first day at a new job! Yep folks, that right. I am not officially working at an accounting office. I'm not actually one of the accountants, currently, I am a receptions, but I will eventually do more and more of the accounting work, (mostly number entry, form filling, stuff like that all pretty simple,) but it is a step in the right direction and it is my foot in the door.

I actually wasn't going to search that hard for an accounting job until after I got my associates, but Mum and KatySue happened to see a job opening in the classifieds for a place in town. I went ahead and e-mailed them, and well there you go.

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