Friday, August 30, 2013

Day 301

Day three hundred one
August 30, 2013: Will there ever be a day when the moments of tranquil thought will lead to boundless imagination and true peace held aloft eternal by the reflections of the wise will affect the dire course of what is within the physical realm though a manifestation of the dimensional plain held by a single thread of conscience thought across the universe? I don’t know what I am writing, I’m just writing weird stuff because I feel like it. Seriously, I have no idea what I just wrote actually means.  

Day 300

Day three hundred
August 29, 2013: I have reached my third hundred mark. I now have fewer than a hundred days until the anniversary mark. It has been a stumbling, mostly uneventful, somewhat sad, and pathetic journey with most of my entries about me having nothing to write about. I guess I could have been talking about the car fiasco these past few days. Oh well, nothing to do about it now.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 299

Day two hundred ninety-nine
August 28, 2013: I have created a monster. I convinced Colleen she should watch Doctor Who and now she’s watching fifty episodes a night, (an exaggeration, by the way, more like one a night.) At this rate though she will catch up with me and then pass me.  Because there are other things that need to be watched, (my TV viewing buddies prefer different shows) I only get to an episode once or twice a month. School is starting soon, so that should so down on the Doctor Who viewing. (Interesting point of fact. If we were being grammatically correct, it should be Doctor Whom)

The Schedule Master

So recently, if you have been keeping up with my very up to date A Thousand Days, then you know I know am not only working two jobs, (albeit one is super easy) but have started school as well. What?! So I have been busy with my schedule, for more than work and school make up for a girl's life. There's also things like reading, and writing, and hand work of course. Most people also have a social life, but right now, well, new people are scary. 

Yet look out how I have master the schedule. Look at me. I have work and school, and yet I am finding the time to post on my blog. 
I truly am the schedule master. No, let's give that capital letters please. The Schedule Master. 

Yesterday I was thinking about my trim and realized something. I had fully intended to do a post about my hair, vain little beast that I am. Then like many of the good things I intended, I didn't do it. I got it trimmed yesterday so I'll post those pictures now. 

So here's the before picture:

I also tried to get some before pictures where my hair was blowing in the breeze made by my fan. You know, so I could do the epic wind blowing shot while I still had hair to epically blow in the wind but instead of looking like a majestic warrior off to slay the Orks, I bore more resemblance to Azula after she went crazy.

Anyway, here are the after pictures, and the after pictures where actually taken while I was writing this post. It is a complete coincidence that I wore the same shirt. Also, forgive the low quality, like I said, I just took them now and that was with a web cam. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 298

Day two hundred ninety-eight
August 27, 2013: Got my hair trimmed today. It was overdue. I waited three months and as it is a pixie cut it really should be twice as often as that.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 297

Day two hundred ninety-seven
August 26, 2013: If I lost an ounce for every time I ate more than I should have, dieting would not be so hard. I ate too much mac’ an’ cheese tonight. And it wasn’t even homemade, it was Kraft, with some ground beef and barbecue sauce. I didn’t exactly ruin my diet, but I could have eaten less and had been fine.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day 296

Day two hundred ninety-six
August 25, 2013: Yep, I no longer work September 2nd. And the annoying thing is that it was even Labor Day so I would have gotten time and a half. I need to stop grousing about work. That is so predictable. Do I really have nothing else to talk about? I started editing A Place Not So Far Away. It’s hot. I’m reading Ender in Exile. I run tomorrow morning. Ollie is doing better.

The Past Several Days

I really don't know why, but I haven't been posting a Thousand Days. I've been writing them, so I'm not really sure why I haven't been blogging them. I wish I had a reason, even a lame one, but the truth is I don't even have a lame reason, so here you go. 

Day two hundred seventy-three
August 2, 2013: So tax free weekend. Yeah. Busy. Really busy at work. Forget the holiday season, Easter, and then tax free weekend is when we're crazy. The holiday season is longer, and people are crankier the nearer we get to Christmas, but often it was down right dead. Not today.

Day two hundred seventy-four
August 3, 2013: I just want to take this time to say I am truly grateful for the work, mostly because I do not have to close tonight. Not only do we close an hour later, but there was probably a butt load (and a big but, like mine, or probably my next oldest sister, I'm not saying her name so she won't get upset at me) of straightening to do. I left at 5, and it was a mess.

Day two hundred seventy-five
August 4, 2013: Once again, not closing. Had to leave Church early today though. Tired, and I still have two days of work.

Day two hundred seventy-six
August 5, 2013: Starting the bad ol' diet up again. After three months of eating what ever I wanted when I wanted, I am hoping I have not gained too much weight back on. And I am going to keep calling it a diet.  The only negative connotation that word has is what we give it. Technically what I was doing over the summer was a diet too, just a very fattening one. Today I start the diet where I will hopefully lose some weight.

Day two hundred seventy-seven
August 6, 2013: Okay, last night I had a nightmare about cheating on my diet. I was shoving chips and cake into my mouth and not even tasting it and I just kept on hating myself and telling myself I needed to stop eating but I couldn't stop. I mean, I would rather eat what ever I want than not, but honestly I didn't know dieting made me that stressed.

Day two hundred seventy-eight
August 7, 2013: They need to stop making Ice Age movies. That's all there is to it. The first one was really good, and the second was good to, for a sequel, but number three and four where just, just kind of sad really. There are some funny parts to them, and I guess they aren't bad, but they aren't too great either.

Day two hundred seventy-nine
August 8, 2013: After tonight I have a four day weekend, and it actually happens over the week end. I plan on spending a lot of lay back time during the longest break before I start school. How can I be so eager yet dreading it at the same time?

Day two hundred eighty
August 9, 2013: I have heffalumps and woozles stuck in my brain from listening to that song this morning. It won’t stop playing over and over in my head.

Day two hundred eighty-one
August 10, 2013: Things I learned this week:
No learning this week, I start school too soon.

Day two hundred eighty-two
August 11, 2013: Did a little bit of shopping today. JCPenney was having a really good sale and I bought a shirt and a sweater.

Day two hundred eighty-three
August 12, 2013: Slept in this morning so I am getting ready to go running now.

Day two hundred eighty-four
August 13, 2013: This is it for today. I promise the entries will get longer. I’m just facing a lazy spell right no.

Day two hundred eighty-five
August 14, 2013: My room is dark; I write these words even as the glow from the computer screen is the only light falling upon my face. Daylight would find its way inside, but my curtains are shut, to keep in the dark, and keep out the warmth. In less creepy words, it’s getting warm outside and my curtains are shut to keep it cool in my room, though it doesn’t seem to be working very well.

Day two hundred eighty-six
August 15, 2013: I slept in today and skipped exercise. I’ll do it on Saturday instead, since I am working that day anyway it is not going to be a special day. 

Day two hundred eighty-seven
August 16, 2013: I have today off. My last day off before beginning college. I work both Saturday and Sunday. That should be against the rules, or something.

Day two hundred eighty-eight
August 17, 2013: This month as been incredible. I am actually getting credit apps. Usually I’m lucky if I get one or two but this month I am getting a couple a week. I hope I can keep it up. I know it really is just straight up luck but you know how it is. If I don’t get credit apps, even if I ask every flippin’ body and their brother my hours will get cut unless I get credit apps.

Day two hundred eighty-nine
August 18, 2013: Sunday really is the worst day to work. It is so slow and boring and it feels like I am working all day because in the morning there is church, and then after work I get home too late in the evening to do much.

Day two hundred ninety
August 19, 2013: I started school today. Read some of my text books, (only the online version is available, yuck) and basically planed what I will be doing the rest of the week. And they seemed to have arrange the work is such a way that they force you to do some work on Saturday. There are discussion questions I need to respond to by Sunday, but the original posts I need to reply to aren’t due till 11:55 pm on Friday. So unless the other students are proactive like me and make their main posts before the deadline can I get it all done on Friday. Oh, Megan and Hannah is here, visiting.

Day two hundred ninety-one
August 20, 2013: I had yesterday and I have today off, which makes it nice for my first two days of school. Finished the text book reading, put up my main posts for discussion, and started work on a couple of my assignments. Not a bad amount for about four hours of work. My counselor called today, (are as I like to call her my student sitter, as her main purpose now is to make sure I am getting my work done) and was very surprised I had so much done. I was kind of surprised at her surprise. All told for the two days I had only done about six hours of work. If I hadn’t done that much work by now I would spend my entire week end doing school.

Day two hundred ninety-two
August 21, 2013: I am working every day this week. I know yesterday I said I had Monday and Tuesday off, but what I meant was I had those two days off from JCP. The days I don’t work at JCP I am doing my babysitting job.

Day two hundred ninety-three
August 22, 2013: I am pleased to say I have most of my school work done, and one of the assignments I was somewhat freaking out about I am actually almost finished with. I had trouble getting into the college library and our library here is not worth peanuts so I was worried exactly where I was going to find the ten gajilion sources you need for a paper. That is all sorted out and I now have full access to several online databases.

Day two hundred ninety-four
August 23, 2013: You know what I have been failing to do. Post these up on my blog. I think the last one I did was August 1st. I don’t know why I haven’t been. I don’t really have a reason. I just haven’t been. School update, it goes well and luckily there were enough proactive people I got all of my school done. Also, I think Ollie might be bulimic. She’s not eating very much and she keeps throwing up. Mum thinks she’s sick but I know that cats don’t get sick where they throw up, they get worms. The cat has image issues, poor thing.

Day two hundred ninety-five
August 24, 2013: I work today, but I have the next four days off, which I am not happy about. I only work three days a week at JCP the next two weeks, and I might even lose one of those days because my supervisor messed up on the scheduling and scheduled me for a time I had told her I couldn't do. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 272

Day two hundred seventy-two
August 1, 2013: Writing this from my new laptop. So far this one hasn't stopped working.