Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 159

Day one hundred fifty-nine
April 9, 2013: Today, while working, a man came up to the register and began to stiffly contort himself like a wannabe acrobat. It turns out he was trying to get to the tag on the back of the shirt, which he had not yet bought. Turns out it was the same for his pants. I had to scan the cloths he was wearing. His other cloths had gotten dirty. As I finished ringing him up he told me he bet that I never had had to do that before. I told him he'd be surprised. Really. I have to do that at least a couple times a month. I'm sure somewhere it's against the rules, but the supervisors just shrug and say to just check them out anyway.

1 comment:

Megan Marie said...

Honestly... Nearly peed my pants when reading this post!!! I can't imagin that!!! hahahahaha