So sad, I know. I was going to write, "Good-bye summer" so as to include June and July as well, but summer doesn't technically end until September 21st, and mentally most people are saying good-bye to summer way before then. Summer as an ideal, a thought, a feeling ends, when in reality summer doesn't end for another twenty days or so. All these solstices and equinox in the middle of months seems very sloppy, and annoying. Who came up with that? I suppose I could wait until September 21st to do this post, but by then everyone is onto hot chocolate, fires, playing in the leaves, school, and mitten. No one, including myself, won't really be saying good-bye to summer, as an idea.
August fades (I would say summer, but I've already had this discussion with my computer screen) and the only thing I can do is reflect upon the bright summer days that it has represented, represented deep in my soul as days free of care and schedules (to a point) that will stay with me forever, or at least as long as I can remember them. August fades, like the flesh of a person who is dead, growing pale because the blood that once kept them strong and beautiful has stopped moving and the days grow cold, again, much like the flesh of a dead person. When a person dies, a memorial is often appropriate, and so I shall give August a memorial, mentioning the highlights of the summer.
The first thing I would like to mention in this memorial of summ...August is parks. Specifically Farewell Bend park. If you live in Bend Oregon, you will probably know what I'm talking about, for everyone else click on the picture.
In the connection to parks and such, is the river float. It is one of the things that are very near to defining Central Oregon summer/August. One is not a true Central Oregonian until he has floated the river, and it is a perfect way to spend a day hanging with family and friends outside on a hot day.
Kenny Chesney. Is there any other music artist who captures the carefree days of summer? Should I take your silence as a resounding no? Steel drums, guitars, the fact that the majority of his songs are about summer? There is no competition.
Roasting marshmallows.
Going to the movies.
Bun Head. (Basically it's Gilmore Girls, exactly, but with ballerinas.) The show aired this summer, plus the show is set in California. If there is any state in the world, (or, I guess, in the United States) that is summer-esque it's California.
Iced Chai
Munchkins, the game. It's a bit like Dungeons and Dragons, but with cards instead of a game board and dice and no role playing. I know this isn't a very summery thing in of itself, but my sister Colleen got the game for her birthday and I played it a lot this summer. A lot. So much that when I think of this summer, it's one of the things that comes to mind. It's meant for younger kids, but I think actually liked the game more than my younger siblings. I got pretty good at it too.
Ice cream.
Lazy days, but not in the slothful, sluggard kind of way. Just more in the, there isn't an over whelming amount of stuff to do so I'm going to take my time to do things and take my time to enjoy it. I could think of no better picture to represent this than the iconic "lazy frog" picture.
I would continue to add things like beaches, staying up late, sleeping in late, beaches, hot days, and summer cloths, but the first three are things I didn't participate in. The forth didn't really happen that much this summer. I think we had about on month of authentic summer heat through the second half of July and the first half of August. It used to be hotter during our Central Oregon summers, but recently it's been staying cold until July, but then staying hot till November in the fall. Global warming? More like global season shifting. And as to the last I couldn't find any decent pictures.
Good-bye August, and good-bye all of the things that we think of as we think of you. While I am still unsure if it was appropriate (ethically, not logically, speaking) or not to compare you to a dead person, I hope you will appreciate this memorial when you have a chance to see it when you reincarnate next year.