Saturday, February 25, 2012

Annual Snowman

Every year my little siblings and I make at least one epic snowman together. We may or may not make more than one, but we at least have to make one, and it has to be different. The first year it was a tourist alien, another a village of dwarves, one year an ice princess, last year it of Gnomeo and Juliet. (I think I posted about it, but I can't find the entry. Give me a holler if you can.) 

Well, this year has been hard...because it's been too warm. We would get occasional dumps of snow, but then by noon it was all melted. Even when there was snow, it was too wet to make a decent snow man. This morning though it snowed several inches, and we managed to get out side before it all turned to slush. 

I have to say, the one this year tickles me, it's definitely one of my favorites. I think it was partly inspired by the warm winter, and partly inspired by all the modern poetry I've been reading. 

It is called...Martin, at Winter's End. 

That's right, we made a snowman that was melting! See the struggle he is putting up, how he is desperately shoving himself into the bucket? and his twig arm shaking with anger at the sun? There is even a part of his side that is sloughing off. His face is all twisted due to the fact that it's melting. It's very poignant, and beautiful...if you squint your eyes really tight and pretend it is not as funny as it is. Anyway, it was great fun, and oddly since the snowman was supposed to look in disrepair, the kids had a lot more fun since there wasn't so much time spent in finishing details. 

They aren't actually sad, they're just acting for the sake of the photo.

1 comment:

Megan Marie said...

hahahaha!!! LOVE IT!!!!