Friday, December 23, 2011

~*Day Eleven*~

As we near the Christmas holiday, do you find yourself with very little to do? Well fear not, because today's post if chock full of links to some fun Christmas activities. 

If you want to test your knowledge of Christmas centered useless facts, hop over to where there are all sorts of Christmas trivia to partake in. 

Or if you want to see how many Christmas carols you know, go to for an epic time of solving picture puzzles. is an entire website dedicated to Christmas time and Christmas fun. 

Or, if you feel like watching a Christmas play, is the Christmas play my church put on this year. (Hey Tim, you don't mind I put that up here, do you?) It was better live, but if you care to watch I'm the annoying one second from the right.

Oh, if only you could make the computer you're reading this post off of could be more seasonal...wait it can! has a great selection of Christmas themed wallpaper for your computer. 

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