Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My First Day of Not School

So yesterday, of course, was Labor Day, but for my house hold it was also the first day of school. I know, starting school on a holiday seems a little weird, but starting things off with a four day week is bothersome. I though, did not do a speck of school. My first year being a graduate, and it felt a little odd not sitting at my desk and working on the first lessons in my text books along with the rest of the kids. Yesterday was my first day of not school. (Hopefully though, come the winter term, I will be taking classes up at the community college.)

Getting all ready for school.

Colleen and Abi look happy and productive as they day school.

Colleen was so cute! She is kind of a Tom boy, but she "dressed up" with a really cute shirt for the first day of school. Abi had to help her pick the out fit.

My mum drinking her teaching fuel.

Just because I didn't do school doesn't mean I was lazy. I did my daily devotional, and I filled out a few job applications and wrote some cover letters.

Then to finish off the first day of school, our power went out. Sunny day, clear skies, calm weather, and the power goes out. *Sigh* It does that where we live, a lot, and it seems the worst on our block. (Then again I'm sure that is what everyone is thinking.)

Talking about education and school stuff, I am finally, finally going to take my GED. Yes, after several months of procrastination, I finally was a big girl and set it up. It involved calling many people only to be directed to someone else, to get an answering message, telling me to call someone else. I did finally call the right person, Micky. She seemed both relieved and happy to discover that I was not only over eighteen, and that I was home schooled and not a high school drop out. Apparently there is a lot less paper work that way.

So Micky signed my up to take the GED test as soon as possible. October 1st. Grrrrr. The thing is, is that our district is no longer offering GED test. Supposedly the college, (the aforementioned community one) was going to start offering them again. When I called them though, they weren't sure. If they did, it wasn't going to be until the winter terms. I figured October was better than winter, so come October 1st, I will pretty much be spending all day doing my GED.


Emily Ann Putzke said...

aww looks like fun!! Starbucks=delish! Good luck with the GED test!

Megan Marie said...

first off... congrats on your frist day of no school! lol... im proud of you for calling so many people! it's good practice for when you get out on your own! lol.. there have been many a day spent ont he phone... just calling person after person! :P and you will kick butt on oct.1!!!