Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Busy life and writer's block

I know, I know, it has been quite a while since I have last blogged. I have trouble finding stuff to blog about, but fear not my six faithful followers, (and even more due to those who follow without their loverly faces appearing under “Stalkers,” life will be probably getting busier for me...I’m not sure if that mean I will blog more, because there is stuff to blog about, or if it means I’ll blog less because I am too busy to blog. Either way, my life will be more eventful, which is the important thing.

 Anyhoo, some exciting things to say. First off, guess what I got to do a week after spending six weeks in Latvia helping out at a camp? I got to go to my church’s family camp! Despite being a little tired of camp, I had a great time there, hanging out with my friends and family.

 And now for the exciting news. Notice the picture below.

That is the header for a new column called, (you guessed it,) Writer’s Block, (which, by the way, is supposed to be a pun.) Because I use the other columns soOOoo much, I wanted to add this one. Writing is a huge part of my life, ad in fact it was for that part of my life I mainly made the blog in the first place; (it was called, “Random Scribbles then.) I thought this column would help. I have started doing daily, (well, every couple day) writing exercises in my journal. In fact this started with the writing themed thirty day challenge I did. I really enjoyed doing those random exercises on regular bases. Under Writer’s Block you will see more of those exercises. Not all of them mind you, just the ones I like best and think are particularly good or unique. Also, under Writer’s Block, will be random thoughts I have as a writer; tips for other writer’s, struggles I have, opinions on writing I would like to share, and the sort.

And as a final treat, here is the first Writer’s Block. I had to write something that declared the glory of God’s works.

Formless, cold. Nothing but water stretched for mile after mile, darkness enveloped eternity.

The first day there was light.
By light we see and know the world. It pushes back the darkness that would otherwise blind us. Light offers us guidance where we would stumble, and direction where without, we would be lost. The light made day, so there could be night. The darkness was no longer endless.
And it was good.

The second day there was sky.
The sky is open and free. We reach up to touch is, but never quite make it. It gives us freedom to move and wonder where we would be confined. It is a place for clouds and dreams to rest, gives us on opening to gaze upon the world and feel small.
And it was good.

The third day there was land and sea, and plants to grow to fill them.
By the land we live. We make our homes and we thrive off the dirt. By the waters we live. The clouds release the rain and it waters the dry land. The seas roar with all their power, giving us not only the vision of power and beauty, but moister and food as well. Trees grow from the earth, branching out and growing. Flowers opened up in an expression of beauty. They offer food for the hungry and they decorate the earth.
And it was good.

The fourth day there was a sun, and a moon, and the stares.
By day the sun governs, shining with glory and power. It reaches down its rays and touches the earth. Sometimes gently, small caresses of warmth; sometimes fierce, beating down on the land with wild heat. The sun drives out the cold and offers life. The moon governs the night, offering a gentle light, even as the night brings a cool touch to our world. The stars guide us, showing us our way when the land becomes a blur, or go on and on without direction.
And it was good.

The fifth day there was birds and fish.
The first creatures to be created. One to fill the open sky the other to fill the roaring seas. The birds ruled the sky, flying high in the air, beating their powerful wings. The fish rule the seas, swimming through the waves and fill the waters of the earth with life.
And it was good.

The sixth day there were beast of the land.
They roam the earth, giving cycle to life. While they feed us they can also offer companionship. How diverse they are! They come in so many shapes and sizes, they fill the land with wonder and beauty.
And it was good.
Also that day there was man.
Created not only to live, but to love, created in the image of God. Not only existing, but thinking. Able to see and comprehend, and gibe back ot God with praise and worship.
In the image of God was man created.
And it was good.


SteveMPi said...

Very well done. You should send it in to Pastor Syd.

Megan Marie said...

Yeppers. I agree with Daddy! And on top of that, how will you be getting more busy? I would love to hear HOW... Is it a job? College classes? Let me\us know...