Thursday, July 28, 2011

Making up for last time

Hello everybody! Sorry that the last post was not very good. I was going to do what I had done the time before, but the internet was really slow so the pictures weren’t loading. Instead of writing something, I just gave up. These next two posts I plan on doing though should make up for it. Or at least a little bit.

After the 7-10 year we had the 11-13 year olds. This was by far the biggest camp as in there being the most kids, and it seemed we had a very small amount of leaders to go around. It was pretty basic week. Games and crafts and swimming and ropes course. Here are some cool pictures from the week.

Me looking "smart"

Paige on the bottom, Shelby in the middle, and Agrita on top

                            Rock wall

                                                                           Ropes course

                                                                           Fun during big games

The week after that was 14-17 year olds, which for me personally was probably the hardest week, but it was still fun.

                                            This actually wasn't during a camp, but all of  girls
                                             got all dressed up and took random pictues.
                                                                                                                      B kool

                                                       Breakfast in the meadow.

There is one thing that I do not have pictures of that I would like to tell about. Night games. The idea basically is to make the kids so tired that they don’t try to sneak out during the night. Unfortunately that meant that all of us leaders were also really tired. Night games would not start till around midnight, and they would then go till about two. Then there was even sauna afterwards for half the camp. The first night it was capture the flag, where I pretty much stumbled around not doing anything effective accept make a lot of noise. The second night was more fun though. We played a game call “stations,” where the four teams we were decided into had to find random fires. At each of the fires there was a quest we had to complete. That game I had quite a bit of fun with. Tromping through the fields in the middle of the night was quite enjoyable actually.
To end things, here is a poem I wrote the day after the 14-17 year old camp.
I'll always come up short
Failure branded in my heart.
I fall back down again,
Before I even start.
I'm too week to even stumble,
Through half my own ambitions,
Too blind to even see,
Past my inhibitions.
But you're stronger than my weakness,
More glorious than my shame.
The faith to move a mountain,
Rests only in your name.
You've broken through my bitter faults,
Made a miracle of me.
For the power that spoke the universe,
Is the power holding me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great post! I loved the poem, it's amazing!!
What's this I hear about a hair cut??