Monday, December 31, 2012


This moment is exactly like any other moment, in terms of the physical moment itself. A single still-shot of time that never really exists; it comes and then it is passed.
The entire planet goes through this moment, but only for one segment of the world does this moment hold any significance.
For everyone else, this moment is just another fraction of a second that mean no more than the one after it.
Perhaps an hour from now another part of the world will anticipate a different moment. Or maybe an hour earlier the same had happened.
Held breaths, beating hearts, excited smiles, broken hearts, new resolves, depressed reflections  anticipations, quiet pray, loud proclamations  regret, hope, fear, love, hate, and counting, a counting of moments to this moment. 
Why so much emotion for a single moment?
The world doesn't shift, the stars don't realigned, hearts are the same hearts despite resolutions.
Why this moment? Why not the one before it? Why not the one after?
This moment means nothing. So the clocks blink a different number, and a new calendar must be put up. These are human things. 
A moment, the moment, plugs along the same regardless.
People kiss, people scream, people cry, people laugh, people die, people live, some for the very first time.
This moment is passed...

...and another one follows it.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Thousand Days

Welcome to part two of A Thousand Days. The post is really long, so I'm thinking I'll probably go to every ten days, or even once a week or something. 

Day seventeen: I don't mean to sound like a humbug...but really Katy? Why can't you just wait until after Thanksgiving until you play Christmas music? I know that Thanksgiving is less than a week away but still. She's been playing all day today. Tender Tennessee Christmas over and over again. One the upside my mum bought me some lovely curtains for my room.

Day eighteen: Only one more episode of Firefly left. Katy and I are watching the series on Netflix and we only have one left now. Oh why did it have to last only one season?! I finally unpacked my books today, took only about a quarter as long as it took to pack them.
Day nineteen: Bugs, bugs, bugs!! How and why are there so many bugs in frickin' November? They're everywhere, and bigger than they were in Bend. How numerous and huge they are going to be in the summer is only for the realm of my nightmares. Huh, such a culture "shock." It actually makes me feel somewhat like a wimp, knowing there are people out there who on a daily bases deal with huge bugs, and don't even have the ability to go inside away from them.

Day twenty: I'm actually really nervous right now. This morning a sent in an application to JCPenny and not more than two hours later they called me back, and now I have an interview 10:30 tomorrow morning. This is way further than I ever got in Bend, and in Bend I was applying to places like crazy, and now the second place I apply to is interesting? Is it a sign? Or luck? Perhaps a less depressed job market? I kind of psyched, but mostly nervous. Gaaaah. Why am I so nervous?

Day twenty-one: I think I have the job. At least at the end of the interview Amy, the person who interviewed me, said "Well as long as the background check clears out, welcome to JCPenny." So, I fairly certain that means I have the job. And the interview was only five minutes long. She asked me why I wanted to work at JCPenny, and that was it. So my nervousness seems a little ridiculous.

Day twenty-two: Happy Thanksgiving!! Ate turkey, will eat pie. At Thanksgiving we have this tradition where we go in a circle saying something we're thankful for. I was last so all of the good general ones were already taken, "I'm thankful that we got here safe," "I'm thankful for this house," "I'm thankful for family."  I was sure that I was going to sound like a lame copy-cat. Then, when it was my turn, inspiration struck! I sat up a little straighter, cleared my throat, and eloquently said, "I am thankful for this moment."

Day twenty-three: Didn't the people in this house believe in real light bulbs. I am dead certain that every single light fixture in this house is some weird shaped florescent light. It wouldn't be bad if they were regular florescent light, but they're in the shape of a hoop, or a long flat rectangle, or a pancake.

Day twenty-four: I THOUGHT I WOULDN'T HAVE THIS PROBLEM WITH SHORT ENTRIES!!! I don't know what to write!!! You know what annoys me? The fact that when I turn caps lock, I still have to press shift to get the exclamation point.

Day twenty-five: You know, come to think of it, it is amazing how many things I'm not writing about because I'm planning on posting this thing on my blog. Anyway, I guess Jacob doesn't read this so I go ahead and talk about that. I finally got the stuff to make his Christmas present (I've tried to make all the Christmas presents this year) after I have already been done with everyone else's for over a month. I am making him a sock monkey. Jacob really loves sock monkeys.

Day twenty-six: Guess what I did today. I turned a monkey right side out through its crotch. Bet you can't say the same. I finished making Jacob's sock monkey today, and it looks a little creepy. Jacob probably won't want it, but for now I'm calling the monkey Bert. If Tim Burton ever made a sock monkey character, it would look like this monkey.

Day twenty-seven: I think I am finally getting into the groove of writing this thing. I hope that soon it will be a habit. I finished the outline for A Land Not so Far Away, and man, I got chills writing it. I know, I'm a little conceited when it comes to my writing. 

Day twenty-eight: So yesterday I was called from JCPenny to arrive today at the store at 2 'o clock. I just thought it was going to be a couple hours at the most, just an orientation. Well, the first two and a half hours were, but then the rest of it was training. Quite honestly I wasn't expecting it to take that long. And now I am to go back tomorrow. I have serious mixed feelings about this.

Day twenty-nine: Work, work, work. Why? Why must something that is vital for my existence make me feel so tiered? It isn't that I hate the job, or that it is even hard work, nevertheless the idea of it just makes me want to lie on my bed and never get up.

Day thirty: The men's department in JCPenny is so boring. Seriously. Nothing ever happened. I think there was like three minutes where it was busy, but that was it. On the plus side I think I've finally gotten a hang of actually working and no longer need a training partner. Once I was able to learn how to do the different things on the register it was easy to remember. Oh, I also got to use this weird new thing that is basically a portable scanner and card slider. You can use it to check people out if they are paying with any sort of card. The people at JCP call it the Libbi. I'm not sure why.